May the odds be ever in your favour!

So, I kinda gave up on my previous project, creating the Hunger Games training outfits. I was having terrible trouble with the pants, and getting increasingly annoyed with the inability to put different textures on different arms. Not to mention I realised I got the pattern totally WRONG (where the shoulder and neck meet). Oh well!

Besides, these training outfits by Pepperpots are of a much higher quality than anything I could make, I’m a lot prouder to wear these than the ones I was working on! Also, look, different sleeves! :-p

The product on the marketplace is only the District Twelve outfit, but if you message the creator, she will create a sleeve with your desired district on it for an extra L$100. As you can see, I’m a District 6 tribute!

Here I am in the “Girl On Fire” outfit, modelled after Katniss Everdeen’s chariot outfit, also from Pepperpots! 🙂 The flames are so vibrant and animated in SL, they aren’t just a flat texture like you’d expect, but (I think?) either a sculpted or mesh object. I honestly kinda wish I’d thought to make a gif, ‘cause a simple snapshot really doesn’t do it justice.

After scrapping my training outfits, I decided to work on a different product… And it’s finally finished! Thirteen Districts T-shirts: thirteen black t-shirts with all the district seals from the movies, which includes a District 13 shirt with a seal I created. 

These shirts were inspired by several real-life District seal shirts, including official ones given out to “District Recruiters” earlier in the year. I own one myself (ah! Not a “Recruiter” shirt, but one made by the very awesome Outlaw Custom Designs), which has the logo printed higher up on the chest, but I decided to make the logo lower, on the stomach, in an attempt to prevent distorting the image. It still moves around a bit, when your Avatar “breathes” and fidgets and twists it’s body around, which I guess can’t be helped…

Anyway, with that, I’ve created my first item to sell on the new Second Life marketplace! I had a bit of difficulty figuring out how to get it on the marketplace, especially since I was one of the ~lucky~ ones with a glitch in my Merchant Outbox. It certainly didn’t help that on every single topic written by people asking for help, at least one person felt the need to point out that their Merchant Outbox was working just fine. Yeeeeaaahhh, that’s great and all, good for you and stuff, but that’s not even one little bit helpful.

I ended up logging into several different viewers, buying a Linden Bear, changing my language to French, relogging, touching my toes three times, sitting cross-legged on the floor anf chanting “Azarath Metrion Zinthos” nonstop for a full minute, changing the language back to English, closing my eyes really tight, making a fist, sticking out my tongue and rapidly tapping the “B” button, then relogging… then, finally, it worked! :-p

Along with my training outfit and my District 6 T-shirt, I also bought a Mockingjay pin from Valhalla Beach Designs.

And these, “Fast Track” sculpted nails from Rain On Me, based on the official Hunger Games “Capitol Colours” nailpolish from China Glaze. The store has all twelve district’s nail colours. I’ve chosen the District Six colour, Fast Track, a shiny beige-ish kind of colour that apparently represents the district’s main resource, transportation (don’t ask me how). Despite not quite understanding how shiny beige-ish represents transportation, I do love the colour and would love to have the real thing, unfortunately China Glaze is not sold where I live.

I reckon I’m all set for the DVD release of the first Hunger Games movie, which is less than a month away! 😀

Hair: Quinn (gingers) and Velvet (gingers) by Truth Hair  
Skin: Opaline (sienna) by Curio
Dimples: L.Fauna Skins
Eyes: Natural Eye by HAYSURIZA
Eyelashes: Eyelashes -06- Natural by *Redgrave*  

Location: Faircreek

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